On last Wednesday’s episode of The View, the women on the show brought up sex and relationship writer, Maura Kelly, of Marie Claire, and her view on obese people. Kelly said in a recent blog that she would be “grossed out” watching “two characters with rolls and rolls of fat kissing each other,” just the same as she would be if she saw a “very, very fat person simply walk across the room.”

This statement was referencing the new sitcom, Mike and Molly, a show about an obese couple who fall in love at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting on CBS.

In a piece on Opinionati.com as they covered this topic Thursday:

“No one who is as fat as Mike and Molly can be healthy,” Kelly writes in the post that, with over 1600 comments to date, has caused an internet fury…

….At the end of her post, Kelly asks readers, ”Do you think I’m being an insensitive jerk?” And the Internet responded with an equally resounding “yes.”

There are people out there that really don’t have to worry about being “fat” or “obese.” It’s just not in their genes. But for most of us, with the cheap, unhealthy food choices given on a daily basis, it’s something that has to be worked on. And even though there is tons of information out there on making healthier choices, it’s not always easy.

Most of the time, there are issues behind overeating. The stories I’ve heard from patients are heartbreaking at times…abuse, cheating, etc, and food was the easiest thing to turn to. Maura Kelly admitted she suffers from anorexia. People have different reasons for the actions they choose. Not everyone can just stop eating.

From a health standpoint, yes, being overweight and obese is not healthy. But it’s not something we can judge people on. You never know what is going on in their life. For people in the media such as Kelly, it’s especially important to have compassion on those that are different.

There are alternative ways to get inside and see where the problems come from. They’re used in my practice everyday. With the combination of things such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, energy-work, and education on exercise and nutrition…the Whole Being Plan, along with procedures such as Tickle Lipo, regular lipo, and the array of other procedures that can help get the body to a healthy place, positive changes can occur.

The most important thing in all of this would be to show compassion and help educate rather than judge. What are your thoughts?

To see the episode, click here. The commentary is about six minutes in if you would like to see it.

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