We’ve spoken in the past about different types of procedures to rejuvenate the face. I wanted to post this video, so we’re going to talk a little more about it. This is also interesting because I work quite a bit in the neck area and would like to share a bit about that as well.

As we age, the neck tends to age a bit ahead of the rest the face. Now, there are many factors involved with this, including genes. However, the cause of this sagging is typically caused by fat loss in the neck area. Other things such as large weight fluctuations, smoking, and sun exposure can also accelerate aging of neck area.

When patients come to me specifically for this issue, I typically recommend a full facelift. This addresses not only the neck but also the jaw line and the mid-face. I believe that the area of the face from the lower eyelid down to the bottom of the neck is truly one anatomic unit, and it is best treated all at once. Here is a quick video on facelifts, liquid facelifts, Botox and fillers.

An isolated neck lift is an option for those who don’t want to undergo a full facelift. This procedure is known as a platysmaplasty, which has been around for quite some time. However, I don’t see it to be as impressive as a full facelift. This procedure also tends to leave a large scar behind the ear whereas the modern face/necklift does not.

We spoke about this on the video, but if you know you are going to have any facial procedures performed as you age, I recommend you begin surgical enhancements as soon as aging is noticeable – the recovery is easier, and there’s a more natural, rather than dramatic, change. What are your thoughts? Do you have a stubborn area that you have questions about? Sound off now!

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In the midst of us talking about celebrities and plastic surgery, here comes Courtney Love, back into the spotlight with the release of her new album as well as an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. Love is named “one of the most controversial women in rock” by Rolling Stone magazine. Love is the lead singer and guitarist/lyricist for the band, Hole, was married to the late Kurt Cobain of Nirvana and was also nominated for a Golden Globe for her supporting role in the People vs. Larry Flynt. Her appearance on the show had some questioning exactly what plastic surgery procedures she had done, IF she had anything done at all. I’m not her surgeon so I can’t really tell you for certain.

Celebrities are under constant scrutiny for their appearance and if Love did have a facelift done, she looks great. Her face may have been a little swollen but there could have been a number of reasons for this. She may have had some filler or Botox, which we talk about in the segment of Humanity Behind the Vanity below. But before we go into that, let’s talk a little about facelifts.

Many patients want to know when the best time is to get something like this done. If Courtney Love had a facelift, she’s 46 years old; this would be a perfect time. She would definitely age better into her 60’s. For someone who is older, that’s a great time as well, however some preventative work that could have been done will not be the same. Here’s why:

Like I said in the video, what celebrities and non-celebrities alike choose to get done is all about them and how it makes them feel. It’s great that we’re able to talk about it more openly. It’s great that we’re seeing tremendous growth with technology and new procedures, and it’s definitely more affordable so you don’t have to be a big movie star, rock star, or television personality in order to have a procedure done.
If having a facelift performed or Botox to help stave off wrinkles makes you feel good inside and have a glow outside, it’s all worth it in the end.

What are your thoughts?

Also, don’t forget that TOMORROW is our big Vanity for Vision drive at B Beautiful Salon. At this event, the proceeds from Dr. Ronel’s BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments will go to enable much needed cataract surgery to be performed in Tanzania and Malawi.

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A Family Affair

May 13, 2010

With Mother’s Day just behind us, Msnbc just had an article about a mother-daughter duo going under the knife together. The topic has been became a conversational piece last month when Christie Brinkley and daughter Alexa Ray Joel had simultaneous procedures. As the article says, “It’s not uncommon at all.”

I’ve actually done quite a few myself.

Special occasions tend to bring mother-daughter pairs in together, especially for weddings or family reunions. The most common are non-surgical procedures such as fillers and Botox, however tummy tucks and breast augmentations have been catching up.

Although there’s never been any formal research conducted on why people have “family” plastic surgery, my patients have expressed different reasons. Sometimes when you do things in pairs, it makes the entire procedure less intimidating. Mothers and daughters go through the recovery period together and can talk about the feelings they have together. Another reason has been because one of them may have had something done, as in the Msnbc article, and it gives the other the motivation or courage to follow in their footsteps. Every now and then a mom will have an unnatural desire to look just like her daughter – although this has been covered negatively in the media, it is a rare occurrence. When this comes up I explain that the age difference makes it impossible.

Even the Housewives of Orange County had a mother-daughter plastic surgery moment.

This brings up a good point: contrary to public opinion, a common reason people choose to undergo plastic surgery is because they are already self-confident and they simply want to improve a part of themselves. I have really enjoyed seeing the mother/daughter patients encourage each other in this regard. We all have flaws on the outside, and may not have genes that give us the highest metabolism so that we are thin, or we may not have perfectly shaped legs. Loving ourselves and feeling good “on the inside” is just as important as looking good on the outside. Surgery combined with alternative practices can help address this on a realistic and deep level. I explain it here:

It’s great to see mother/daughter duos come in: the comradery, bonding, and healing together often takes the relationship to a deeper level.

Do any of you relate to this topic? Have you and a family member had simultaneous procedures done? If you have, would you have chosen differently after the fact?

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Capture Your Youth

April 24, 2010

Youth is nimble. Age is lame – Shakespeare

I love Shakespeare. The art he created both visually and through the written word continues to speak to people today. The quest for youth is nothing new. When we look at life from a standpoint of embodying beauty, health, nutrition and wellness, it shines through. Every day, I am honored to be a part of the education and personal growth of my patients. This is why we look way beyond the plastic surgery procedure itself.

As the lifelong quest to stave off aging persists, the medicinal applications and technology being used are continually advancing. For most people, some of the first signs of aging begin in the hands. The next is typically the area around the eyes and the mouth since the muscles in these areas are so active.

Rather than immediately going in for a true surgical facelift, we now have noninvasive procedures for rejuvenation with fillers: Artefil, Radiesse, and Juvederm. Botox is used for numerous medical purposes other than facial muscle relaxation. Physical issues that can have a major impact on self-esteem can now be resolved. I’d like to share some before and after photos with you so you can see the impact these procedures can have. Before and After plastic Surgery Procedures

One area that I’ve really been anxious to see advancement in is the treatment of spider veins and varicose veins. In part two of our talk show, The Humanity Behind the Vanity, I introduce Polidocanol (FDA approval pending), a vein treatment which is proving through years of study to be much more effective than current treatments. This treatment has fewer complications than the current agents.

Exciting stuff.  My take away for you from today’s post is this: If you’ve been wondering about any of the issues, procedures, or topics we’ve hit, ask questions. It’s better to know what the options are than to NOT know and wonder. If you’re ready for a change, or are to the point where you’d like to talk about that change, give me a call. Let’s get your questions answered.

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Plastic surgery is the perfect reward for reaching weight loss goals

It seems as though every year in January and February we are bombarded with weight loss products and programs, each promising to help people lose weight quickly. According to our channel 4 local news station the hottest items are drugs that help patients to lose large amounts of weight (ten to twenty percent of their body weight).  These drugs are in the experimental stage and only time will tell their effectiveness and whether or not the inevitable side effects are acceptable.

Dr Ronel  is concerned that advertisements for weight loss do not address what may happen to the skin.  Most patients after significant weight loss will have loose skin on their face, arms, abdomen, lower back, chest, and legs. Those who are undergoing treatment, either surgically or with drugs, to lose weight need to plan for correction of the loose skin through plastic surgery.  The excess skin is not just unsightly; it can cause painful and itchy rashes and skin infections.  Dr Ronel offers procedures specifically for patients after weight loss, such as abdominoplasty, breast lift, buttock lift, thigh lift, and facelift.  While these may seem like routine procedures, it is important to seek an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr Ronel who will take into consideration the many nutritional and health aspects that are unique to patients who have lost a large amount of weight.  There can be an increased risk of complications if these patients are not monitored carefully. Dr Ronel counsels patients to help them understand which procedures he recommends and which procedures can be performed safely together.

After a successful weight loss, recontouring and lifting the loose skin is a very powerful boost to the confidence and self esteem the patients deserve after so much hard work!

Here are some relevant youtube videos from Dr. Ronel’s radio show, The Humanity Behind the Vanity.

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Skin care is a must for every season

It is tempting to ignore or forget skincare in the winter months, especially in New Mexico, where the weather is sometimes mild in the winter.  Dr Ronel reminds his patients that the winter months are optimal for preparing the skin for the harsh summer sun. A local recent article provided skin care tips for the winter months. Dr Ronel advises his patients to begin medical grade skin skincare if they haven’t already. If they have occasionally used medical grade skin care products and treatments, yet have not been consistent, then the winter months are perfect to begin regularly taking care of their skin. A signature Doctors Facial is a great way to start, as it combines medical-grade dermabrasion and laser with an enzyme mask and more. This helps to prepare the skin and Dr Ronel recommends that patients use the NIA products (included) for continuing care at home.  Also, the skin can take a brutal beating in the winter months and patients must remember that sunscreen is required daily.   Finally, make-up should be mineral based and Dr Ronel recommends Colorescience .  When patients step up to the plate with an intense and aggressive skin care program for the winter, the summer is the perfect opportunity to show off the results.

Here are some skin care tips from Marian Urban, Dr. Ronel’s aesthetician:


20% off all skin care products!!

Seperate and Unequal-Wrinkles appear on women before men

A recent study that was highlighted on the Early Show suggested what Dr Ronel, board certified plastic surgeon has known all along: women tend to get more wrinkles than men (it has to do with the amount of hair follicles, sweat glands, and subcutaneous fat).   The old saying “women get wrinkles while men get lines of distinction” appears to be partially true.   It is widely believed that the pressure for women to look younger has the psychological effect of causing women to judge themselves and others more harshly.  Dr Ronel encourages women to begin anti-aging measures as soon as the first signs of aging appear.  Women in their early to mid thirties can benefit from injectables such as Artefill, Botox, and Juvederm. These fillers and the injectable Botox provide rapid, although temporary, correction.  Dr Ronel recommends a mini face-lift for younger patients that do not have significant sagging in the neck area.  For women in the early stages of visible aging Dr Ronel recommends a blephroplasty to open the eyes wider and make them look more alert.   Dr Ronel makes an incision in the crease of the eyelid to removes the excess skin.  “Patients tell me that their friends say how much more rested and alert they look”, says Dr. Ronel.   While it may not seem fair that women can show their age earlier than men, Dr Ronel counsels his patients that knowledge is power. Addressing the known effects of aging early will help women maintain their most youthful appearance for a lifetime.

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Menopause is part of life it doesn't have to be a curse

Menopause is a normal part of female life, but thanks to the media and pharmaceutical companies, you might think women before this generation never experienced it.  Menopause marks the culmination of many hormonal shifts and physical symptoms.  A recent article in the Albuquerque Journal was helpful in pointing out some of the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

A significant number of Dr Ronel’s patients are pre-menopausal or recently post- menopausal.  Often their reasons for seeking plastic surgery are a result of hormonal weight gain, typically around the entire midsection and often called the “spare tire “look or the New Mexico, “pansa.”  There are a few  different options to return the body back to its thinner shape. If there is excessive loose skin around the entire waist, a body lift  may be Dr Ronel’s recommendation.  If the excess skin and fat is only in the front of the abdomen then an abdominoplasty would be in order.  Finally if the skin is fairly tight and a thickness is present, Dr Ronel would recommend liposuction of the waistline. 

But in addition to covering their physical complaints, he addresses the emotional component of their situation.  His patients to work with his integrative group of experts – and they may receive  psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and even acupuncture in an effort to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.


See Dr. Ronel interviewed on Good Morning New Mexico this week!


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How much should you tell your children about your plastic surgery?

We have certainly come a long way since Leave it to Beaver and The Andy Griffith Show.  Children today ask the questions that they want answers to, and we are expected to answer them no matter how personal.  As plastic surgery has become more widely accepted more parents have posed the question to Dr Ronel – What do I tell the children?

Dr Ronel  is uniquely qualified to answer, as he has an extensive background in pediatrics (just check out his CV!).  “Patients who undergo facial surgery usually have older children,” says Dr. Ronel.  “Give them information and facts, but avoid sounding as if justification is needed for the decision to have plastic surgery.  It is important to involve the children but seeking their approval is not part of that involvement.”   Younger grand children may be frightened by bandages and visible bruising and swelling.”  Breast augmentation  and liposuction  are procedures that usually are not as noticeable, especially to small children.  Some women have difficulty explaining their decision to have breast augmentation to their teenage daughters – Dr. Ronel offers advice and counseling through his image-identity expert, Dr. Scott Thomas.  He is a psychotherapist who helps families deal with plastic surgery procedures  in a positive way.   Hear him discuss spousal stress, a related issue with common points.

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Don't make food your enemy

The holidays, particularly Thanksgiving, can be emotionally challenging.  Some are concerned about their will power and the ability to eat in moderation at the Thanksgiving table.  KOB news offers an informative article about how to curb overindulgence during this time.  Dr Ronel finds these articles particularly helpful, especially for his patients struggling with being overweight.   Mark Wood, the nutritional counselor on the Whole Being Plan Team, has excellent insights on self-defeating eating behavior. 

Besides overeating, there are the stresses surrounding preparing the meals and attending family gatherings.  Dr. Scott Thomas, the team’s psychotherapist, was interviewed about this on the radio show last week. 

The waistline is not the only physical concern patients have over the holidays. Dr Ronel has found that patients make facial rejuvenation consultation appointments after a holiday gathering because of the many holiday photos taken that day.  “Patients tell me that when they looked at the pictures they felt they looked tired and old.” Dr Ronel explains that a facelift (which may have sounded drastic to the patient before) is an excellent choice. It takes care of loose and lax skin on the neck, jaw line, and around the eyes.  Less invasive office procedures that Dr Ronel may recommend include a brow lift and upper and lower eyelid procedures if the brow is “droopy” or the eyelids look heavy.  Injectables, or a signature facial are excellent choices for a quick “pick-me-up” during the stresses of the holidays.  Dr. Ronel and his wife talked about taking care of yourself in other ways during these times on their radio show. 

Thanksgiving Day is the last day to sign up for our blog and be entered to win a $500 gift certificate on November 27th (medical restrictions apply).

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