The latest rumor is that Heidi Montag is considering reversing some of the plastic surgery procedures she recently had done. Of course some of the work can’t really be “undone.” My guess is she’ll be having a reduction of the size of her implants, but I really have no idea. Why am I talking about this?

She apparently did some of the procedures to please her husband, from whom she is recently separated. If he truly was the one who pushing for the surgeries, now that he’s somewhat out of the picture, she may have had some quiet time to think about things.

I want to talk about this for a minute. I want to talk about decisions we sometimes make in the hope to please someone else. We’ve all done it, men and women. I’m sure there are people all over the globe who have had plastic surgery to please a spouse or partner. If these people are 100 percent in themselves, and aware of what they are doing, and their motivations, than that’s great. However, if someone (perhaps even you) is “iffy” about something, then going into plastic surgery is not something I would recommend. It is your body. Your decision on what you’re going to do or not do with your body should be completely respected. I just think if you are going to have a plastic surgery procedure, it really does need to be about you.

Back to Montag, I’m sure she is going through a great deal with a new separation. It won’t be a big deal to reduce the size of her breasts. Women do it all the time. What’s important is that from here on out is that she’s doing it for herself.

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She was our favorite Girl Next Door, one of Hugh Hefner’s former girlfriends, Kendra Wilkinson. Most of you know that Kendra left the Playboy mansion and married Hank Baskett, wide receiver for the Philadelphia Eagles (and an ex-Lobo), last year. Despite the latest celebrity gossip with Wilkinson, we’re here to talk post-baby body. But just in case you were wondering, the latest news over the alleged split is not true. According to this interview and video, Baskett is standing beside his wife since the sex-tape controversy.

Anyway, Kendra has naturally had an amazing body. She’s pretty much known for it. But even women with the best of bodies’ pre-baby, can have that extra, post-belly “belly jelly” as my wife calls it, after child birth. Good diet and exercise is a given if you want to get rid of the extra baby weight, but that extra post-baby belly fat is a little tougher to get rid of. Most of this has to do with heredity, collagen and elasticity in the belly area.

In Wilkinson’s case and many cases where women have stretch marks, the best way to go about that ridding of them is with a skin excision, which is actually removing the skin and pulling the remaining skin down. For women who don’t have really noticeable stretch marks, liposuction can be very effective in shrinking down the post-baby belly. Check out this episode of the Humanity Behind the Vanity as we talk about these things in a bit more detail.

I recently wrote a post on the liposuction and the different methods of the procedure, so feel free to check it out if you want to know more. In the meantime, if you’re one of the millions of women that struggle with post-baby weight/belly, or are really unhappy with the way you look right now, give us a call. It’s worth a consultation. If we can help you get on the right track to reaching your goal and in turn, help you feel better about yourself everyday, I know we’ve done our job.

Have you experienced any post-baby weight issues? What are some the things that worked for you?

Also, if you’re in the area and want FREE tickets to the 107.5 Outlaw Country’s, Country Fest, swing by. We have them for you.

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Let’s be honest.  How many of you watch celebrity gossip shows or subscribe to some kind of celebrity magazine? Or, perhaps you even stand in the line at the grocery store and skim through one because something catches your eye.  Guilty pleasure? I think this is totally normal!  It is easy to become semi-obsessed with the lives of celebrities: how they act, dress and look . . . and especially what types of plastic surgery they are having. From breast augmentation and face work to liposuction and lifts, there is no doubt that celebrities have brought public awareness of plastic surgery to the forefront.

At the beginning of the year, Heidi Montag made headlines worldwide because she decided to undergo multiple procedures. The media had a heyday with her, claiming she had 10 procedures at once. Hearing this raised eyebrows and questions, as people wondered why a beautiful, 23 year-old would be making so many changes.

To her defense, the media was a bit exuberant in their portrayal of what she had done. The truth is that not all of the work was a major procedure. Some were things that could have been provided in-office, some of the things she had done were ‘hand-in-hand’ procedures, and she just chose to get it all done at once. This is not uncommon.

In the videos below, we discuss this scenario, why it is common for some people to do multiple procedures at one time, and some of the risks involved.

At the end of the day, for the right patient, there are many advantages of having multiple procedures done in one shot, within reason.  I saw a woman yesterday in my office who would like a browlift, upper eyelid tuck, lower eyelid tuck, lip augmentation, filler, and a facelift.  That sounds like 6 procedures at once, but its really just a “full facelift” and a lip augmentation.

As we spoke about in the Mommy Makeover post, there is much more to it than coming in and having it done. We incorporate the Whole Being Plan to address all the bases…not just the outside, but also the changes that occur on the inside.

Our obsession with celebrities will never really go away, and I welcome the debate and discussion that they bring up!  What do you think?

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Image from TheHeidiMontag